10 Self Awareness Tips from Keepunchin LLC

Always be aware of your surroundings

Car keys / Finger Nails / Cellphone 911

Everyday essentials that can be used for self defense

Groin / Head / Eyes / Throat

Go for these areas if you are attacked you can use your elbow , keys and even a swift kick to the groin should have your attacker on the ground in no time!

Always stay in well lit areas in the evening time

Take a self defense class at your local martial arts school

Body Language

Walk Tall , Show Confidence , Stand Strong

Statistics show attackers look for women who have their head down , show insecurity or not paying attention to their surroundings

Run! Don’t walk and fighting is you last resort

If you can run do so, get to a public place call 911 immediately

If you feel threatened or being followed create distance call 911 or the police immediately